How To Generate The Business Idea

Generate The Business Idea

Trying to find a great business idea? Successful entrepreneurs use their imagination every day to make new decisions to make the world a better place. The big challenge of generating great ideas is freeing yourself from the conventional, mundane thoughts that occupy most of your brain time. Here are some tips how to generate your idea

Dream - Ambition - IDEA - Set Target - Action Plan - Execute - Reach The Goal!

Everything starts from the dream.
You could have some dreams, or maybe some thoughts. It was just a daydream in the beginning. 
From a dream, the ambition would spark. It leads you to IDEA. 
Never stop in IDEA. Continue it to ‘setting the target’

Then, create an action plan, perhaps with some backup plans.
Soon after, execute your plan.

In this phase, you are a step away from ACHIEVING YOUR GOAL! 

Generating Idea

Start from something small, something that you don't even realize. Take a look from simple things around you can make a great idea for your business in the future. Think and start listing the things that you like. Doing things that you like is often not realized that your hobby can be used to make money, which may be different than others.

Next step is: Filter what you’ve listed in your mind. You could choose/or combine these ways:

1. Brainstorming with others
As I've said in "Generate Your Passion of Entrepreneur", discuss your views with other people / a group very useful for your thoughts. Your thoughts will be open to the surrounding environment, rather than having to read a thick book - this way is more effective.

2. Do a little market research
Market research is needed by entrepreneurs, why? because to see whether we will sell the goods that match the desires of our customers require research. as well as to see our competitors and to create new innovations.

3. Or, do the hard way, decide it on whatever reason, simply because you love it!
In this way actually has a big risk, because you as the entrepreneur does not heed situation of the environment now. Not doing research on customers and competitors, which matter only run what you believe. This method may be successful for those of you who have a guaranteed source of capital.

Scientifically, you should combine the number 1 and two before you made the third number. You would be able to gain information from discussion with as many as possible people to gain input. In this phase, beware of the negative input which instead of getting you forward, it puts you backward, way backward.

You could also know a little bit about the customer’s demands by doing market research.
This step could be done to ensure that your decision was made base on market’s demands, not only based on your preference.

However, businessmen who took the last way to decide couldn’t be judged as guilty as well. Doing the thing that they love is the only consideration that they took when they made the decision.
The Fact is; many successful business came up from this condition.

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